Proceedings available


The presence of clay objects is one of the foremost symbols of the onset of technology associated to art. Initially decorated with incised, molded or modeled elements, with different colours of clay and pigments, the objects became increasingly sophisticated. The introduction of a glaze amplified the options for more refined decorative solutions, including in architectural integration.

The Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage (GlazeArt) conference aims to promote and discuss novel scientific research studies on glazed ceramic cultural heritage. It conveys researchers with diverse academic backgrounds from both the humanities and the exact sciences fields. The conference covers various aspects ranging from glazed ceramic material characterisation, decay, conservation, production, art and technical art history, socio-cultural contexts, and other intangible aspects of glazed ceramic materials.

The Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Museu Nacional do Azulejo (MNAz) and the Vicarte Research Unit (“Glass and Ceramics for the Arts” – FCT-NOVA) are pleased to announce the next GlazeArt Conference, to be held at LNEC from 22 to 23 of February 2024.

This Conference is a networking activity of the transnational research consortium IPERION HS and an outcome of the Portuguese FCT-funded ChromAz Project.



The conference will aim to discuss azulejos, other architectural glazed ceramics of historic interest but also glazed ware and other historical glazed ceramics in general: their history, technology, characteristics, decay, conservation, artists, museology, as well as related issues.

Main themes to be addressed are:

  • Art and technical art history studies;
  • Glazed ceramics production and dissemination;
  • Historical context of the workshops, factories, and their technology;
  • Socio-cultural contexts and intangible aspects;
  • Materials characterisation;
  • Decay mechanisms and preventive conservation;
  • Conservation methods, materials, and case studies;
  • Digitalisation and digitisation methods and applications;


Abstract submission
The official language of the Conference is English. Submissions for oral and poster presentations are accepted. The authors should submit their communication in the form of a two-page extended abstract (including some results and conclusions.)
The template for abstract is available here. The file must be saved as a .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) file. They should be sent by e-mail to both and

Authors must specify the theme to which it is addressed and the preference for the presentation to the Conference (Oral or Poster).
Abstracts are accepted until 4 December, 2023.

The Scientific Committee will select the form of presentation of communications considering the slots available, their originality and thematic affinities.
After revision, the accepted abstracts will be published in a Book of Abstracts and distributed by the participants of the Conference (as printed or digital version).
The registration of one of the authors is mandatory before 1 February by to ensure that the communications will be considered for presentation and included in the Book of Abstracts. The author responsible for the presentation must be registered and be personally attending the conference.


Participants in the GlazeArt2024 conference will be invited to submit manuscripts based on their presentations to a special issue in a per-reviewed journal (to be announced). More information on this special issue will be provided soon.
The articles submission will be open until April 30, 2024.

Glazeart 2024


  • December 12, 2023 - last day to submit abstracts*;

* If you have any further question or need extra time, please contact us.

  • December 22, 2023 – Confirmation of abstracts acceptance;
  • January 13, 2024 - last day to remit abstracts after revision;
  • February 1, 2024 - last day for one of the authors to be registered if abstracts are to be included in the Book of Abstracts;

February 22 - 23, 2024 - GlazeArt2024.

  • April 30, 2024 - last day for paper submission (intended to be published in a Journal);


*The registration has no fee. The number of participants is limited and selection criteria for the participation may be applied. Registration of the participants is mandatory.




The registration has no fee. The number of participants is limited and selection criteria for the participation may be applied.
Registration of the participants is mandatory. Online registration it's available here.
Authorized participation allows admission to all conference presentations, a copy of the Book of Abstracts (digital or paper version), a certificate of participation and attendance, and morning & afternoon coffee breaks.



  • Dória Costa (LNEC, IPERION HS) – chair
  • Alexandre Pais (MNAz, ChromAz) – co-chair
  • Susana Coentro (FCT-Nova, ChromAz) – co-chair
  • António Candeias (HERCULES LAB-U. Evora; IPERION HS)
  • António Santos Silva (LNEC, IPERION HS)
  • Fernanda Barroso (FCT-NOVA, CENIMAT)
  • Carla Machado (FCT-Nova, Vicarte, ChromAz)
  • Luca Pezzati (CNR, IPERION HS)
  • Márcia Vilariques (FCT-Nova, Vicarte, ChromAz)
  • Marta Manso (FCT-Nova, VICARTE, LIBPhys, ChromAz)
  • Marluci Menezes (LNEC, IPERION HS)
  • Sílvia Pereira (LNEC)
  • Umberto Veronesi (FCT-Nova, Vicarte, ChromAz)


  • João Manuel Mimoso (LNEC, IPERION HS) - chair
  • Alexandre Pais (MNAz, ChromAz) – co-chair
  • Susana Coentro (FCT-Nova, Vicarte, ChromAz) – co-chair
  • António Santos Silva (LNEC, IPERION HS)
  • Dória Costa (LNEC, IPERION HS)
  • João Pedro Veiga (FCT-Nova, CENIMAT, ChromAz)
  • José Delgado Rodrigues (LNEC)
  • José Mirão (Laboratório Hercules - Universidade de Évora; IPERION HS)
  • Kate van Lookeren Campagne (Amsterdam University, The Netherlands)
  • Lurdes Esteves (MNAz, ChromAz)
  • Márcia Vilariques (FCT-Nova, Vicarte, ChromAz)
  • Marta Manso (FCT-Nova, VICARTE, LIBPhys, ChromAz)
  • Maria do Rosário Veiga (LNEC)
  • Marluci Menezes (LNEC, IPERION HS)
  • Mathilda Coutinho (Laboratório Hercules - Universidade de Évora)
  • Nuno Senos (CHAM - Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
  • Rosário Salema de Carvalho (Az-Rede / ARTIS – Lisbon University, ChromAz)
  • Sílvia Pereira (LNEC)
Glazeart 2024

LNEC Congress Centre
The Conference will take place at LNEC Congress Centre in Lisbon, Portugal.
LNEC Congress Centre has two auditoriums and several meeting rooms, all equipped with modern audiovisual aids.
The Centre is a free wire-less zone.
LNEC is located near Lisbon Airport (2km).


Avenida do Brasil, 101
1700-066 LISBOA
Tel.: +351 218443483
e-mail: and

Congress Centre Coordinates:
Main entrance (pedestrians): N 38º 45.509 W 009º 08.462
Car entrance: N 38º 45.475 W 009º 08.540
Congress centre: N 38º 45.565 W 009º 08.462


  Location LNEC

  Information for visitors


LNEC’s guest centre / STUDENT accomodation
LNEC houses in its campus a Guest Centre for trainees, scholarship holders, guests and participants in meetings, seminars, projects and any other events or activities organized by LNEC. A small number of rooms is therefore available at very convenient prices for students and other participants attending GlazeArt2024. Details are available here.
Make your reservation directly to


Contactos: and